Klasy różne

Lekcja 6.5

Zadanie 1

She has got long black hair.
2 She has got small brown eyes.
3 She’s got a small mouth.

4 He has got short brown hair.
5 He has got small green eyes.
6 He’s got a big mouth.

Zadanie 2

1 short and brown 2 brown 3 sporty and shy 4 jeans,
grey T-shirt and white trainers 5 Susanna 6 14 7 short
8 long and brown 9 green 10 friendly and clever
11 grey trousers, pink sweater and black shoes

Zadanie 3

Użyteczne pytania:

What does he/she look like?

Has he/she got short hair?

What are his/her favourite clothes?

What is he/she like?

Is he/she nice?