Klasy różne

Lekcja 6.8

Zadanie 1

a arms   b hands    c fingers

d head    e leg    f foot    g toes

 h eyes    i ears    j nose

Zadanie 2

Osobowość: clever, friendly, funny, sporty, shy

Ubrania: fleece, coat, scarf, gloves, sweater

Zadanie 3

1 trunk 2 leaf 3 flower 4 stem 5 roots

Zadanie 4

2 She hasn’t got a scarf.

 3 We have got coats.

4 Has she got a hat?

5 Have they got sweaters?

6 Has he got a fleece

Zadanie 5

1 this   2 those 3 This

4 Those 5 That 6 These

Zadanie 6

1 right   2 Actually   3 all

 4 like   5 look   6 Here

 7 welcome   8 last